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Showing 1341 - 1350 of 3363 for "Real%20estate" with applied filters


Petri Avikainen

Practice areas

Capital markets, M&A

Industry sectors

Financial services, Industrials and manufacturing, Mining, Real estate


Favio Batres

Practice areas

Banking, M&A

Industry sectors

Aviation, Insurance, Real estate, Technology and telecommunications, Tourism


Seyi Bella

Practice areas

Banking, M&A, Project finance

Industry sectors

Oil and gas, Real estate, Technology and telecommunications


Robert Caldwell

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets : Structured finance and securitisation, Project finance

Industry sectors

Energy, Natural resources, Oil and gas, Real estate


David Cheng

Practice areas

Capital markets : Equity

Industry sectors

Food and beverage, Industrials and manufacturing, Real estate


Iñigo de Luisa

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets : Structured finance and securitisation, Private equity, Restructuring and insolvency

Industry sectors

Construction and materials, Energy, Financial services, Real estate


Emad El Shalakany

Practice areas

M&A, Project finance

Industry sectors

Natural resources, Real estate, Technology and telecommunications, Tourism


Aggrey Ernest

Practice areas

Capital markets, M&A, Project development, Restructuring and insolvency

Industry sectors

Banking, Energy, Mining, Oil and gas, Real estate


Ali Hatami

Practice areas

M&A, Project development

Industry sectors

Construction and materials, Oil and gas, Real estate


Rahayu Ningsih Hoed

Practice areas

M&A, Project development, Project finance

Industry sectors

Energy, Natural resources, Oil and gas, Real estate