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Showing 4331 - 4340 of 27954 for "Restructuring and insolvency" with applied filters


Saplegal - AS Papadimitriou & Partners - Greece

Practice areas

Banking and finance, Financial and corporate, M&A


DLA Piper - United States

Practice areas

Capital markets : Debt, Capital markets : Equity, Financial and corporate, Project finance


Hammad & Al-Mehdar - Saudi Arabia

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets, Financial and corporate, M&A, Project finance


Myma Belo-Osagie

Practice areas

Banking, M&A, Project development, Project finance

Industry sectors

Oil and gas, Technology and telecommunications


Adina Chilim-Dumitriu

Practice areas

M&A, Project development, Project finance

Industry sectors

Oil and gas, Technology and telecommunications


Jianjun (Charles) Guan

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets : Debt, Private equity

Industry sectors

Food and beverage, Technology and telecommunications


Connie Heng

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets : Debt, Capital markets : Structured finance and securitisation, Islamic finance

Industry sectors

Construction and materials, Industrials and manufacturing


Arthur M Katende

Practice areas

Banking, M&A

Industry sectors

Oil and gas, Technology and telecommunications


Iseme Kamau & Maema Advocates - Kenya

Practice areas

Banking and finance, Capital markets, Financial and corporate, M&A, Project development : Infrastructure, Project development : Mining, Project development : Power


Kadir Andri & Partners - Malaysia

Practice areas

Banking and finance, Capital markets : Debt, Capital markets : Equity, Financial and corporate, M&A, Project development : Energy, Project development : Infrastructure, Project development : Power

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