Emma Berglund has been ap­point­ed new Managing Partner at Hamilton. Johannes Ericson, who was ap­point­ed Managing Partner when Hamilton was strength­ened by the Ashurst Stockholm team in 2016, re­sumes his role as part­ner in the dis­pute res­o­lu­tion prac­tice group.

Johannes Ericson was giv­en the task of fur­ther­ing the firm’s progress on the mar­ket, which re­sult­ed in Hamilton hav­ing the high­est in­crease in turnover among Swedish law firms, record­ing the high­est in­crease in rank­ings in the Mergermarket M&A Report for 2017, and re­ceiv­ing the largest pro­por­tion of ranked part­ners.

The part­ner­ship at Hamilton has ap­point­ed Emma Berglund as new Managing Partner. Emma joined the firm in 2006, was ap­point­ed part­ner in 2014 and be­came a mem­ber of the board in 2016. Emma will con­tin­ue to work with client-re­lat­ed mat­ters along with her Managing Partner po­si­tion.

Thomas Nygren, chair­man of the board at Hamilton, com­ments: “We have strength­ened the firm’s po­si­tion on the mar­ket in a very short pe­ri­od of time, ever since we joined forces with Ashurst Stockholm. These have been two out­stand­ing years, and I am very proud of our jour­ney thus far. Emma is a mod­ern leader who em­bod­ies the firm’s core val­ues, and will con­tin­ue the trans­for­ma­tion em­barked on two years ago.”

Emma Berglund, Managing Partner-elect, says: “I look for­ward very much to my new ex­cit­ing role as Managing Partner, as the firm ex­pands in a con­stant­ly trans­form­ing mar­ket. I shall fo­cus on build­ing our team, strength­en­ing our firm’s cul­ture and brand, as well as re­in­forc­ing our strat­e­gy, iden­ti­ty and po­si­tion on the mar­ket.”

Emma is Managing Partner ef­fec­tive as of 1 July, 2018.

For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion, please con­tact:

Thomas Nygren, email: thomas.ny­gren@hamil­ton.se, tele­phone: +46 8 505 501 38