Turan Legal and Tax Services


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Turan Legal and Tax Services is a law firm based in Baku, Azerbaijan and was founded in 2018. 


Focusses / specialisms 

The firm is specialised in the corporate sector and actively advises on cross-border transactions, investments, capital markets and joint-venture deals. Sectors of focus include education, life sciences and pharmaceuticals, retail, technology and construction.  


Key clients

Key clients of the firm include Tabaterra, Landau School, MSDIS Holding, Prosol and Altair. 


Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023) 


Financial services regulatory 

“Great network of lawyers and knowledge in the field, fast approach, market-fair fees.” 



“Their active participation in the negotiation phase was a significant help and they assisted us greatly in constructing the deal. The documentation process was smooth thanks to their experience in the field. Moreover, their knowledge of the corporate business in Azerbaijan and legal structures in creating an efficient acquisition process helped us to be on the right track always and close the deal.”