IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

The multinational professional services firm KPMG has been present in Azerbaijan since 1998. It has operated a full-service office in Baku since 2011. The firm’s Azerbaijan presence now has more than 130 employees of which 20 professionals have long-term experience of legal services in different industry sectors of Azerbaijan, Russia, Turkey, Georgia, Kazakhstan and other countries.


Focusses / specialisms

The firm is visible across several areas within the financial and corporate space including M&A, financial services regulatory, investment funds and project finance.


Key clients

Key clients include Nokia Corporation, Bank of Baku OJSC, Azerbaijan Deposit Insurance Fund and Azerbaijani Railways CJSC


Research period review: 33rd edition (2023/2024)    

Within the domain of financial and corporate law, the firm adeptly delivered strategic guidance to acquirers pursuing banking acquisitions, while also providing expert direction to lenders navigating direct financing arrangements. The firm's notable achievements extend to its substantial experience in advising a diverse clientele on crucial aspects such as entity establishment and a wide array of corporate affairs.


Deal highlights: 33rd edition (2023/2024)

OTP Bank €55 million acquisition of Alpha International Holdings 

Pasha Bank $120,000 IPO


Client feedback: 33rd edition (2023/2024)

Financial services regulatory          

“KPMG, Azerbaijan is always available if any consultancy is needed, in addition they submit the reports to the government on behalf of TISA in a timely and accurate manner.”


Project development

"Practical, straightforward solutions, responsiveness.”



“KPMG provided clear legal advice regarding risks during the restructuring process from a local legislation perspective."


Asim Hashimov         

“Timely and comprehensive responses, good industry knowledge.”


Shahlar Mammadov  

“Shahlar is knowledgeable and responsive, always delivers his job on time.”


Seymur Niftaliyev      

“Practical, focused on the essence.”

“Receptive and always available.”