Tribonian Law Advisors

United Arab Emirates

IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Founded in 2011, Tribonian Law Advisors is a regional boutique law firm headquartered in Beirut. The firm operates in the UAE out of its office in Dubai. It also has a branch office in Riyadh. 


Focusses / specialisms 

The firm is particularly active in the M&A practice, where it advises on mergers, acquisitions and divestitures. The firm advises on private equity and investment companies’ formation and deployment of their funds through investments and exists in diverse industry sectors, particularly the technology space. 


Client feedback: 33rd edition: 2023/2024


"Focused on the best for the client and presenting the arguments in a win win approach."  

"Very professional and agile. Have good experience in the field and have a flexible attitude towards their work. Able to work on tight schedules." 


Carlo Pianese  

"Very knowledgeable, bing capacity and accessibility. Problem solver and reasonable in approach so is able to convince others."  

"Expertise in M&A."