IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Established in 1888, the Dutch office of international firm Simmons & Simmons is located in Amsterdam.


Focuses / specialisms

The firm has a strong financial and corporate offering with particular expertise in capital markets, project development and restructuring work.

The firm has a strong track record in the banking and finance area, where it often provides advice to international and domestic banks. In particular, the firm has expertise in real estate and project finance mandates and is regularly involved in the financing of the largest ongoing Dutch property developments.

In capital markets, the firm has significant experience in debt, equity, and securitisation work and is among the top choices for US securities transactions.

The M&A team is also active on private equity work and has experience working for acquirers and sellers in sectors including agriculture, retail and technology.

In projects, the firm advises stakeholders such as developers and investors and has strength within the construction and real estate sectors.


Key clients

Notable clients include State of The Netherlands, BNG Bank, Rabobank, FMO, Bridgestone, Hines, Gilde Equity Management and JPMorgan.


Client feedback: 31st edition (2020/2021)

Capital markets

"They understand the technical legal aspects of the deal and the market they are operating in. Very user-friendly and responsive."


Capital markets : Structured finance and securitisation

"Their can-do attitude. Always looking to find solutions too - and come up with some very good ideas in doing so. Also, work is always timely. Processes with this team always seem to be smooth and efficient, and if there are some emergency problems to be solved they are done so swiftly and calmly."


Investment funds

"Extremely responsive to questions both in terms of timing and comprehensive nature of replies. Very personal and tailored service, senior members of the team readily available to client, and a willingness to share experience and industry knowledge. Fees were fair, and an open approach taken to discussing costs."

"Very commercial approach to transactions without getting trapped in the minutiae."

"They are correct in planning, good communication, sharp in deadlines and sell trust in every case."


Investment funds: Real estate funds

"Available. Professional. Understand the mechanism of transactions."



"They are responsive, have strong legal knowledge and are very good in representing the client's interests."

"They could provide the professional advice and solve the hard problems during the negotiation with the sellers. They could give the feedback in time and are responsible for all the legal work."