Marohnić Tomek & Gjoić


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Marohnić Tomek & Gjoić is a Croatian law firm founded in 2016 and based in Zagreb. In 2020, the firm became a member of CEE Attorney, a network of law firms which has regional coverage of Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Latvia, Poland, Switzerland, Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, India, China and Japan.


Focusses / specialisms

The firm has a particular focus on finance and corporate work and is active in project development. The firm is also recognized for its work in investment funds. The firm regularly advises clients in retail, real estate and investment funds.


Key clients

Key clients of the firm include Immofinanz AG, Poslovni park Zagreb, various national Government bodies and entities, the European Commission, Balkan Properties Limited, LCN Capital Partners and Feelsgood Capital Partners. 


Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023) 

Financial and corporate 

“Extremely adaptive and intelligent approach.” 


Project development 

 “Prompt and successful.”