Gryphon Group


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Founded in 2011, Gryphon Group is a law firm with an office in Kyiv, Ukraine.  


Focusses / specialisms

The firm is active in banking and finance and corporate and M&A. It has a prolific record in conducting due diligence investigation on banks, advising institutional investors while its corporate practice includes advising clients in various industries on mainly corporate restructurings. It is particularly active in real estate construction and e-commerce.

Key clients

Among its clients are Taryan Group, European Investment Bank, WOG, Clever Asset Management, Crystal, Epicentr M, Hubber, Molis Group, Agrogroup and Nitro Invest Group.

Client Feedback: 31st edition (2020/2021)  

Asset finance            

"Everything is good. In all areas. Professionals."


Bank lending : Borrower side                      

"They negotiate with financial structures on a high level. They realised our opportunities and the company achieved business goals in investments. "

"All team demonstrate: professionalism and personal attention to the details, personal approach, responsiveness. The work was completed in time. "

"Explicitly, the firm always aims to satisfy the needs of the clients as much as possible. Annually the authoritative studies recognise the partners of the firm Elena Lynnyk and Igor Lynnyk as the best lawyers in the areas."

"Provide quality data for analysis."

“Ukraine is well known for corruption and corrupt legal practices. My work with Gryphon established an open and transparent relationship and above all trust. "



"The firm provides excellent service. The team works with high respect to its clients."