Gotlib Massara Rocha Advogados


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Established in 2018, Gotlib Massara Rocha Advogados is a boutique law firm located in Belo Horizonte.


Focusses / specialisms

The firm has strong M&A, capital markets, venture capital, private equity and project finance practices. Most of the firm’s activity is focused on energy, real estate, education, health, agribusiness, construction, infrastructure and information IT.

Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023)

Private equity

“Competence, knowledge, network, punctuality, reliability.”


Investment funds

“They are very straight, focused on customer. All points we request they address properly.

In our perspective, less is more in terms of regulation, our investor demands clarity and simplicity. We believe GMR Advogados deliver kind of service.”