IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Corpus Legal Practitioners is a corporate and commercial law firm. It has been serving clients in Zambia and across Africa for over 25 years. The firm is also a member of LexAfrica.


Focuses / specialisms

The firm is experienced in project development, project finance and M&A. 


Key clients

Key clients for the firm include Anglo Exploration, Stanbic Bank Zambia Limited, Barrick Lumwana Mining Company, Copperbelt Energy Corporation, Glencore, Nutreco Africa BV, Qatar Investment Authority, Export and Import Bank of Russia, Norwegian Investment Fund and Family Health International.


Research period review: 33rd edition (2023/2024)

During the research period, the firm was active in project development, project finance and M&A. 

In M&A the firm worked on acquisitions by acquirers and sellers in the investment management, technology and pharmaceutical sectors among others.

In project development the firm worked on mining projects.  

In project finance the firm worked on financings and mining services.


Deal highlights: 33rd edition (2023/2024)

A.P. Møller Capital private acquisition

British International Investments $50 million project finance

Lubambe Copper Mine Limited $150 million project finance