Cabanellas Etchebarne Kelly


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Founded in 2004, Cabanellas Etchebarne Kelly is a full-service law firm based in Buenos Aires. The firm is a part of the global DLA Piper legal network and has offices in Mendoza, Argentina and New York City. The firm services clients that speak Spanish, English, Portuguese, French and Hebrew.  


Focusses / specialisms 

Project development, debt restructuring, banking and finance and M&A are some of the practice areas the firm specializes in.  It is particularly skilled in foreign investments and cross-border transactions, playing a integral role in the innovative developments that take place in Argentina.  


Key clients 

Some of the firm's key clients include Advent International, Banco Playmaker Capital, Brasil Foods, Ecolab Group, Galileo Global Technologies, Gameloft Oaktree, Newell Brands Province of Mendoza, Vivendi and Votorantim.