AnJie & Broad Law Firm


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Headquartered in Beijing, AnJie & Broad Law Firm provides full legal services in transactional law and is strong in providing financial legal services related to the insurance industry.

Focusses / specialisms

The merged firm has experience in domestic and foreign M&A, foreign direct investment, real estate and construction projects, financial leasing, infrastructure, banking and finance, overseas investment, capital markets, private equity and venture capital.

Key clients

Clients of the firm include CICC Capital, CITIC Securities, Sinopec, PetroChina, Sequoia Capital, Hillhouse Capital and Ping An Group.

Research period review: 33rd edition (2022/2023)

During the research cycle, the AnJie & Broad team represented an equity investment fund managed by CICC, acted as the lead investor in a leading domestic supplier of automotive thermal management systems, Nanjing Xiezhong Auto-Airconditioner (Group), with a total financing amount of approximately Rmb530 million. The delisting of the target company adds to the complexity of the transaction.

Among the confidential deals during the period, the firm completed several private equity deals involving multi-jurisdiction work. The firm also completed a few aircraft financing deals lead by partner Fan Rong. Fan was originally from Broad & Bright Law firm which merged with Anjie Law Firm in 2022.

Deal highlights: 33rd edition (2022/2023)

CICC’s investment into Nanjing Xiezhong Auto-Airconditioner (Group).

BAIC Foton Motor’s investment into Shandong branch of Shanghai Eastern Aviation Equipment Manufacturing.

Xiaopeng Motors’ series C financing.

DSV Panalpina’s acquisition of Prime Cargo.

Azelis’ acquisition of Bronson & Jacobs China.

ACA series A+ investment in Ostay.