5 St James Court


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

5 St James Court is a full-service law firm in Mauritius established in 2011 with Ravindra Chetty SC as head of chambers.  


Focusses / specialism  

The firm is a strong player in both the financial and corporate practice area. Specifically, within financial and corporate practice area, the firm has a particular focus on debt capital markets where it advises financial services companies in Mauritius on subscription for convertible bonds. The firm also advises on corporate rescue transactions.  


Key clients  

Key clients include The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation HSBC (Mauitius), Trade and Development Bank (TDB), Banque Pictet & Cie, HSBC (Mauritius), BCP Bank (Mauritius), State Bank of India (SBI) Mauritius, AfrAsia Bank, Habib Bank (Mauritius), MauBank, State Bank (Mauritius), Grant Thornton (Mauritius), Mazars, Sanne Mauritius, Dynamic India Fund, Air Mauritius and Liquid Telecommunications Holdings.  


Research period review: 33rd edition (2023/2024)  

In financial and corporate the firm mainly advised a financial services company on subscription for convertible bonds and corporate rescue transactions for Air Mauritius. The firm was particularly active in the aviation and financial services industries. 


Client feedback: 33rd edition (2023/2024) 


Very helpful and always provide accurate legal advice/legal opinion. They are very responsive and have a quick turn around time."  

They handle legal matters in a very professional manner and always provide helpful and prompt advice to us. 


Ravindra Chetty  

“He is very helpful, knowledgeable and provides prompt advice.”