Manuel Gonçalves

MG Advogados - Angola

Founding Partner


(244) 222 337914

Highly regarded

(244) 222 335497

Bar admissions:




Practice areas:

Project development
Project finance

The firm of MG ADVOGADOS (MGA) was founded in 1989 by Manuel Gonçalves, a prominent figure in Law and Justice in Angola.

Founding member of the Association of Angolan Jurists and elected President of the National Advocacy Council in 1995, he sponsored the formation of the Angola Bar Association (Ordem dos Advogados de Angola) and was elected as its first President.

Current Chairman of the Board of Directors of ENSA – National Insurance Company of Angola, he has expertly combined over the course of his life the roles of Lawyer and Lecturer, skills which have comfortably existed alongside his immense artistic sensitivity not only as a musician, but also as a serious collector of contemporary Angolan art.