Benoit Chambers


IFLR1000 Reviews

Financial and corporate

Benoit Chambers is a full-service law firm founded by Clarel Benoit in 1994.


Focusses / specialism

The firm is a strong player in both the financial and corporate and project development practice areas. Specifically, within financial and corporate the firm has a particular focus on debt capital markets and M&A transactions.


Key clients

Key clients of the firm include Carlyle Group, Microsoft Indian Ocean Islands, Africa Finance Corporation, Mizuho (Switzerland), Soros Economic Development Fund, The Bank of New York Mellon, Bank of Singapore, Bank Julius Baer, Kedaara, State Street,, LBrands, The Rockfeller Foundation, The Bill & Belinda Gates Foundation, Absa, Mauritius Financial Services Commission, Bank of Mauritius, IBL, Afrasia Bank and The Lux Collective.


Research period review: 32nd edition (2022/2023)

During the research period the firm was active in the banking, capital markets debt, financial services regulatory, investment funds, M&A, project finance and restructuring and insolvency practice areas.

In banking the firm’s work focused on lending and debt restructuring work for lenders in the banking and financial services sectors.

In capital markets debt the firm worked on both bond and note issuances for issuers for clients in the banking and financial services sectors.

In financial services regulatory the firm offered regulatory advice to clients in the financial services sector.

In investment funds the firm’s work focused on investment fund formation.

In M&A the firm worked on acquisitional, share transfer and merger work for buyers and sellers in diverse industry sectors including the manufacturing, financial services and professional services sectors.

In project finance the firm worked on financing projects for clients in the infrastructure sector.

In restructuring and insolvency, the firm worked on corporate restructurings for clients in private equity and financial services.


Deal highlights: 32nd edition (2022/2023)

Axian Telecom $430million senior notes issue

Carlyle Group $4.5 billion financing

Cim Financial Services MauR500 million green bond issue

Saint-Gobain Development Sub-Saharan Africa €4.7 million acquisition of a Mauritian entity

SEACOM $90 million refinancing

SilverNova $40 million acquisition of 100% of BanyanTree Bank


Client feedback: 32nd edition (2022/2023)


Capital markets : Debt

"Very professional, experienced, and an ability to work to a tight timelines."


Capital markets : Equity

"Highly skilled and experienced lawyers both at senior partner and principal associate/junior partner levels. Their experience was invaluable with regards to negotiation points."


Capital markets : High yield

"Professional, responsive, reliable advice."


Financial services regulatory

"Excellent knowledge and understanding of the intricacies of the various pensions-related legislation."

"Comprehensive advice; pragmatic approach; swift action."



"Diligent, prompt, knowledgeable and highly engaged throughout the M&A process."


Anjeev Hurry

"Very professional, commercial and knowledgeable."

"Diligent, hard-working and very responsive turnaround."


Nadeem Lallmamode

"Hard working, diligent, prompt, responsive and highly skilled."

"Knowledgeable and a good listener."


Rishi Pursem

"Learned practitioner, an eye for detail, solution-oriented."