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Showing 81 - 90 of 27980 for "Consumer goods and services" with applied filters


Luc Defferrard

Practice areas

Capital markets : Structured finance and securitisation, M&A, Private equity

Industry sectors

Banking, Consumer goods and services, Energy, Financial services, Healthcare, Real estate


Fransisca S.H.

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets, M&A

Industry sectors

Banking, Consumer goods and services, Financial services, Industrials and manufacturing, Real estate


Urs Schenker

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets, Financial restructuring, M&A

Industry sectors

Banking, Consumer goods and services, Financial services, Insurance, Pharmaceuticals and life sciences


Henning Aasmul-Olsen

Practice areas

Capital markets : Equity, M&A

Industry sectors

Banking, Consumer goods and services, Financial services, Insurance, Oil and gas, Shipping


Alex Nikitine

Practice areas

Capital markets : Debt, Capital markets : Equity, M&A, Private equity

Industry sectors

Banking, Consumer goods and services, Financial services, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals and life sciences


Marc Rijkaart van Cappellen

Practice areas

Capital markets : Equity, M&A

Industry sectors

Consumer goods and services, Industrials and manufacturing, Technology and telecommunications


Akshay Chudasama

Practice areas

Investment funds, M&A, Private equity, Real estate acquisitions

Industry sectors

Consumer goods and services, Entertainment, Media, Real estate, Tourism


Aref El-Aref

Practice areas

Banking, Capital markets, M&A

Industry sectors

Automotive, Aviation, Banking, Construction and materials, Consumer goods and services


Melissa Marks B

Practice areas

Banking and finance, Capital markets, Corporate and M&A

Industry sectors

Consumer goods and services, Investment management, Media, Technology and telecommunications


James MacArthur

Practice areas

Private equity

Industry sectors

Consumer goods and services, Energy, Real estate, Technology and telecommunications

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